More Floods


What makes a great leader?

There are many answers to this question. Some might say a leader needs passion or a strong vision for their team. Others might say they need to be outgoing, confident, or decisive. While all of these things are certainly true, we can’t miss an essential trait of great leaders that is too often overlooked.

Great leaders are courageous. They must be bold enough to step aside of their own comfort zone. Leaders a trail blazers and this requires them to take risky steps in order to see their goals accomplished.

Pushing Your Business Further

In your water damage restoration business, the need to step outside of your comfort zone is foundational. Starting a business is risky, no matter how you look at it. You’ve already taken a huge step when you wrote that business plan or made your first hire.

Now isn’t the time to relax. Growing or scaling your business takes courage, too. Taking those next steps to hire more crew members or invest more in your marketing plan can feel risky.  Without risks, however, you can’t possibly achieve your goals.

Pushing Yourself Further

Personal growth is a big part of being a strong leader. If you’re not growing, if you’re not learning more, you can’t expect success in your business.

Let’s be honest, however, personal growth is just one more task that requires a big step outside of your comfort zone. It requires exploring new ideas and trying new things. This growth doesn’t come without the sacrifice of time, which is a valuable resource for any business owner. And sometimes, the growth takes time and your don’t see the benefits right away.

At More Floods, we partner with business owners who know that leaving their comfort zone behind is essential to growth in the water damage restoration industry. If you’re looking for more support while you take those big leaps in your career, click here or call 1-866-667-3356 to learn more about the resources we provide.

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