Here at More Floods, we often talk about company growth. We’ve discussed the everyday steps and big picture decisions you can make to ensure that your company is growing and scalable — from social media marketing to keeping a healthy cash flow.

Today, we plan to look more closely at how you can cultivate a high performing team, which is directly tied to the success of your business. A team of high performing, motivated individuals will carry your business toward success.

If you want a high performing team, it is important to take a close look at your leadership strategies. How is the way you lead day in, and day out encouraging or inhibiting the performance of your employees? What could you change to further equip and motivate your team? Here are 5 leadership strategies you need to employ to reach your business goals.

Set Individualized Goals

When you’re leading a business, it feels natural to focus on big picture goals. How is your company performing as a whole? Are you marketing your services well? These are important areas of focus, but big picture goals shouldn’t prevent you from focusing on the individuals in your company.

If you want to effectively lead a high performing team, you need to look at the individuals involved. You need to take the time to create individualized goals for each team members. This means understanding their skill set, their individual ideas about their professional growth, and helping them look ahead to where they see themselves in 12 months, five years, and more.

One way to make this happen is to create a system for employee reviews. We’re not fans of the year review. Instead, we suggest regular, documented check-ins with each employee.

Hire Talented Team Members

So, you want a high performing team? Start with your hiring process! An ineffective hiring process can leave you with underqualified or apathetic team members who don’t have the skills or motivation to grow.

A thorough hiring process, including multiple interviews, reference checks, and extensive training should be created and implemented as an automatic system. This means that each applicant will receive the same vetting, be held to the same standards, and then experience the same onboarding process.

Let Go of Under-performers

Don’t be afraid to say goodbye to employees who are not performing well. If you have done your part, providing extensive training and documented feedback of their performance, you are fully justified in letting them go. This will allow them to pursue a position that is a better fit for their skillset and free you up to begin looking for an employee suited for your company.

Like hiring, it is important to be prepared with a uniform system for terminating employees. This should include how you document performance issues prior to letting them go, if you will offer a stipend, and how you document the end of their employment. This protects you as a company and ensures that each employee is given equal opportunity to understand and meet expectations before they are asked to leave the company.

Be at Your Best

It is difficult to think of anything more important than modeling high performance to your employees. You can train them and you can set goals for them, but if you aren’t showing them with your actions what it means to be devoted to their jobs, they may not connect with the bigger vision of the company.

This doesn’t mean you have to be a perfect leader, but it does mean you need to be doing everything you can to be the best leader you can be. This includes getting involved in leadership development. It might mean being honest and upfront about your weaknesses and taking feedback and suggestions for change. It means being excited about what you do and how you do it each day, even when you feel overwhelmed with work.

At More Floods, we connect with leaders in water damage restoration and supply them with the operational resources they need to create high performing teams. From check-off lists for hiring employees to resources for employee development, the members of our network are well equipped to for company growth. To learn more about joining More Floods, click here or call 1-866-667-3356.

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