Restoration Hiring Challenges and Tips

Five Challenges Every Restoration Company Faces With Hiring It’s no secret that hiring capable and motivated people is much easier said than done. Human resource studies have demonstrated that attracting and retaining great talent can easily exceed five figures in recruiting fees. That’s a lot of money for one good team member! Even when you […]

Retain Gen Z in Your Restoration Company

We Provide You the Formula for Success More Floods provides non-franchised restoration companies unique business systems and exclusive training and education that unlock high growth. We are a member-based network of independent restoration companies.  Our members are the envy of their local competitors because they have exclusive rights to use our proven formula – unique […]

Blue-Collar Labor Market for Restorers

Blue-Collar Restoration Workers

We Provide You the Formula for Success More Floods provides non-franchised restoration companies unique business systems and exclusive training and education that unlock high growth. We are a member-based network of independent restoration companies.  Our members are the envy of their local competitors because they have exclusive rights to use our proven formula – unique […]

Summary of 5 Common Restoration Business Challenges

Wrapping up our 5-part series on common restoration business challenges, we’ve shared some actionable tips on how they can be addressed. An overarching summary of these include: Challenge 1: Finding and Retaining Top Talent for Your Restoration Business Your people are vital to the success of your business. Yet finding and retaining talented, hard-working employees […]

Recruit Gen-Z to Your Restoration Company

The blue-collar workforce has shifted considerably over the past several years. These days, recruiting the right talent for your restoration business comes down to attracting Gen Z workers. But identifying the right strategies and tactics to implement so you can attract the right talent is easier said than done. This generation has different needs and […]

How Customer Experience Impacts Your Restoration Company Bottom Line

restoration company culture

Customer experience is one of the most important factors that influence how people feel about your brand. Every time a customer interacts with your company, the person forms an opinion about the services and customer care. Your staff members and crew are interacting with customers every day, which is why they are a critical part […]

3 Tips for Extracting Yourself from Your Restoration Business

How well would your restoration business operate if you stepped away from it? Would it keep running smoothly, without missing a beat? Or would it crumble from within? For some restoration business owners, the answer is the latter – without them at the helm day in and day out, the business itself would falter and […]

Restoration Company Culture – Your Secret Weapon, part 2

Restoration Company Culture

Assessing Your Company’s Culture In part two of our series on company culture, we address how to assess your current company’s culture.  If you missed Part One of our series, click here. Not every business has had the foresight to completely figure out their long-term plan for growth. In reality, very few businesses do this, […]

Creating Systems For Your Water Damage Restoration Company

Water damage restoration companies who become a part of the More Floods network get access to resources developed over the course of several years. These systems were created with the growth and scaling of Power Dry in mind. They’ve been tested in real time, perfected, and used over and over again. They’re honestly an invaluable […]

Managing Your Water Damage Restoration Company Remotely

Many business owners begin their entrepreneurial journey with the hope of more personal freedom. Too often, owning a small business ends up meaning the exact opposite — we end up feeling like we can never step away for fear of things will falling apart. This way of managing a business, always being on the clock, […]

Here’s How to Organize Your Warehouse for Maximum Storage

Your water damage restoration company is growing. Congratulations! You’re securing more work, bringing on more employees, and purchasing more tools and equipment to keep up with the demand. Of course, we’d never say this kind of success is problem. However, it can shine a light on poor operational practices and create unexpected challenges. One challenge […]

How an Employee Quiz Keeps Our Equipment in Tip-Top Shape

Equipment that lasts forever — it’s honestly a Water Damage Restoration business owner’s dream come true. It may seem like nothing more than a dream, but our business Power Dry has found a way to turn it into a reality. Here’s how we keep the tools and machines we use day in, and day out […]