More Floods


As a small business owner, building the image of your water damage restoration company is your most important task.

Failing to prioritize the work of refining how your team interacts with customers on a daily basis is a mistake that could not only harm your image but could hinder overall company growth and financial success. The New Year is here and there is no better time than the present to make sure your company is on track with your customer service goals for 2019. First things, first, let’s take a look at the five common mistakes that could be standing between you and achieving consistent customer service satisfaction.

Failing to Monitor for Mistakes

You can’t succeed when you’re not monitoring your team. No matter what your specific goals are for your company in 2019, you need to be watching carefully so you can course correct if your daily actions aren’t aligning with your company vision.

In your role as the owner of a water damage restoration company, this can mean something as simple as making sure you are present in the office so you can have your eyes and ears on daily operations. More specifically, we suggest concrete monitoring tools like customer surveys to keep a close eye on customer satisfaction.

Underestimate the Need for Continued Training

Covering customer service during orientation is important, but it isn’t sufficient for building a strong team of water damage restoration experts who prioritize customer satisfaction. Failing to make continued training in customer service an integral part of employee development is a mistake that could cost your company.

Continued training gives each team member the chance to refresh their understanding on topics that may have been unclear during their initial training. It is an opportunity to focus on specific weaknesses you are seeing as you monitor customer satisfaction. These training sessions also provide a low-pressure environment where your team members can clear up any confusion they may have about operational procedures.

Expecting Your Customer Service Team to Perform Miracles

None of us actually expect our customer service team to perform miracles, but sometimes we act as if we do. When we understaff our team and fail to provide them with the resources and training they need to succeed, we shouldn’t expect them to perform at their best.

As a business owner, you have to do your part, too. Make sure that you have given your team everything they need to meet your expectations and keep your customers satisfied!

Overreaction to Negative Feedback

Negative feedback happens! Even the best companies will deal with a customer complaint from time to time. What matters most when you are facing negative feedback is how you and your team responds.

Making gut reactions could harm your company’s image, especially if this means firing back on social media or getting heated with a customer. To avoid these kinds of interactions, make sure that you and your team are prepared to step back from negative feedback to prepare a response that will line up with your company’s image.

Assuming Your Team is on the Same Page

Some customer service practices are common sense, but that doesn’t mean everyone on your team will know that to be true. Assuming they understand what they should and shouldn’t be saying when they interact with customers could be a big mistake.

Instead, we suggest getting everyone on the same page by clearly outlining the language your company will use when posting online, talking with customers over the phone, or seeing them face-to-face. It never hurts to repeat these things, so make the basic “dos and don’ts” of customer service are a repetitive part of your training practices.

At More Floods, we provide the members of our network with the training and operations resources they for customer service success. Make 2019 the year you see your company grow more than ever, click here or call 1-866-667-3356 to learn more about More Floods.

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