We all want more leads, that’s just a part of being in the water damage restoration business. For the last few weeks, we’ve been breaking down the different source of leads. Specifically, we’ve looked at how restoration specialists can build relationships that can be leveraged for referrals.

Each of these referrals sources, from plumbing and cleaning contractors to insurance agents and TPAs, have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no perfect source of leads and that is exactly why we encourage business owners to leverage several streams of work at the same time. Today, we’re going to explore networking as a source of water damage work, along with the pros and cons and a few tips for making network relationships work for your business.

Networking as a Source of Leads

Within our own network of independent restorers, we often hear reports that networking in local organizations and groups has become a great source of leads. These professionals are attending meetings, volunteering, and getting involved in their region and it is paying off in the long term. The reason this works so well is because these groups and associations are opportunities to develop relationships with like-minded professionals. The people that are there want to find support and know that supporting other businesses in return is a great way to do that.

The Pros and Cons as Using Networking as a Source of Leads

The biggest advantage of making time to network with other professionals in your area is that this is exactly why these groups were created. Because of this, they’re organized in a way that encourages and facilitates referrals and mutually beneficial relationships.

Additionally, you will find that because these groups are proven to be a reliable source of business, they’re packed with people looking to connect. Many plumbing contractors and insurance agents participate in these groups knowing that they are designed to effectively facilitate referrals between their members and the members’ extended network of family, friends, and coworkers.

Of course, there are some disadvantages as well. One of the reasons networking often gets overlooked is because of the time commitment it requires. These relationships may be facilitated, but they aren’t automatic. It will take time and patience to create professionals friendships that become a consistent source of referrals.

Unfortunately, these groups also have some guidelines that may make getting involved a little more difficult. For example, some groups only allow one organization or business from each industry to avoid competition. That could make it hard to find a group with space for your business in your area.

Making Networking Work for Your Business

Here at More Floods and our restoration company Power Dry, we have seen the most successful networking when the individual or individuals doing the networking are dedicated to the task. Select one or two people who will be responsible for attending events and make sure they are well-spoken, outgoing, and good at networking. One best practice we recommend to anyone who will be marketing on behalf of their company is preparing an elevator pitch or short explanation of the services your company provides.

When you do start receiving referrals, make sure you have a system in place for making sure that follow-ups are happening. Fast and efficient follow-up is crucial to turning leads into work.


Members of More Floods have access to marketing resources and operational systems that streamline and simplify the process of securing more leads. To learn how our resource can help you grow or scale your business, click here or call 1-866-3356.

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