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Leaders Set the Tone for Employee Satisfaction

Have you ever walked into the office on a Wednesday morning and immediately felt the tension in the air? The office administrator is sighing, your restoration staff are frowning and one team member failed to even show up for work. Every organization experiences bad days and poor attitudes often seem to be contagious, but there […]

5 Steps to Avoiding Miscommunication

All small businesses should be built on a strong foundation of communication, anything less will set you up for failure. Frankly, the costs of poor communication can be devastating to small businesses. From labor costs to the cost of lost business, if your company is in a pattern of failing to share information, you will […]

The Real Reason Water Damage Restoration is Such a Challenging Industry

It doesn’t take long working in the water damage restoration industry before you realize the work we do is unique and it is full of challenges. From the start, there are emergency calls on the weekends, long hours spent doing the physically taxing work of sifting through sewage and tearing out damaged materials. Of all […]

There is Only One Thing You Need to Conquer SEO

Using search engine optimization to get your business noticed isn’t an optional task for your water damage restoration company, but that doesn’t mean you have to take on this task yourself. In a world where you can find a tutorial or e-book teach you anything you want to learn, including SEO, it is so tempting […]

Best Practices for Negotiation with Claims Adjusters

Let’s be honest, negotiations with insurance claims adjusters can often be frustrating and disappointing. Nailing down the right price for a water damage restoration job shouldn’t be a competition but so often adjusters and contractors feel at odds with each other. When it comes to negotiations, we see the same problems arise again and again. […]